Thursday, September 01, 2005

list #892375892

This is my life so far, in a list. Because I am a lazy slug.

1. Instead of Singapore – London, someone on my flight decided to have a medical emergency. And so it became Singapore – Mumbai – London, making an already long and tedious journey almost unbearable save for Neil Gaiman and his genius.

2. My garden is amazing, and Tuesday night we harvested the cauliflowers, spinach and tomatoes and made a yummylicious dinner of cauliflower cheese, spinach, rocket and nasturtium salad, a vegetable stew with lamb, and rhubarb crumble. YUM YUM! (pictures of the now-depleted garden will come whenever I upload them. soon-ish, I promise.)

3. Wednesday was spent waking up really early and feeling rather productive until I fell into bed again around 11.30am and didn’t get up till 2pm. And then I just mooched around and did online research about law firms and other boring things like that.

4. Today, I had an interview. It was really good - I had lots of fun chatting to other interviewees and enjoyed the group exercise. Even the actual interview went rather well, although obviously I could have mentioned many more intelligent-sounding things. Overall, rather impressed with the firm, and wouldn’t mind working there if they gave me an offer *fingers crossed*

In other news, its very surprising how easily I slip back into routine here in London. It’s almost as if all those weeks I’ve been away never happened.

The man at the Turkish shop still smiles his recognition, the Safeways-across-the-road is still disgustingly Safeways-across-the-road. East Street is looking the same as ever, except for an explosion in colour and range of vegetable and fruit sold by the stallholders. The pub is still endearingly old and falling to pieces and honestly quite grimy, but much better than those pub chains they have everywhere nowadays.

As I mentioned to someone today, its odd how I feel more at home here than I do at home. It’s almost as if here I’m living a real life, while back there I’m really only watching someone else’s home movie.